Home / Online Learning

Spark! by OES-NA enables system operators to experience quality online learning and test-taking preparation tools right at their desks 24 hours a day 7 days a week!
OES-NA's online learning modules and TestTrak programs are delivered through our Spark! portal. Because each module and program is delivered on an individual basis via the Internet, individuals have the ability to set their own pace and schedule. Registered students are provided with 12 months from the time of registration to complete each TestTrak program or 6 months to complete each online learning module.
Online Learning Modules
Our Spark! modules offer: friendly navigation, review activities throughout the module, easy access to supporting documentation via the course resources tab, instant feedback during quizzes, comprehensive final assessments, and friendly, professional support.
OES-NA is proud to be able to offer NERC continuing education credits for the successful completion of our online learning modules. For this reason, however, the following requirements must be adhered to:
Students must sign-in using their private individual log-in and password to access the module.
Students are required to provide their NERC SO Certificate # and other applicable contact information during the registration process.
Students must complete all module material individually.
Students must successfully earn a score of at least 70% on the final activity assessment.
Students must submit a course evaluation form. (Level of completion is not measured, but full completion is appreciated.)
Currently, we offer the online learning modules listed in the menu to the left. Click on a particular title for more information.
Additional courses will be available throughout this year!
Currently, our available TEST TRAK© programs include:
A subscription to the appropriate TEST TRAK© program is now included with completion of our PJM Certification or NERC Certification instructor-led courses. For this reason, OES-NA strongly suggests that course attendees do not schedule to take their certification exam for at least one week after completion of the certification course. Completing the appropriate TEST TRAK© program as a follow up to the certification course will reinforce material covered in the course and better prepare individuals for the testing experience!
Minimum System Requirements:
- Browsers: Latest versions - Firefox 35 or above, Chrome: 40 or above, Safari 6 or above, Internet Explorer 10 or above
- Operating System: Windows, Mac OS/X
- Mobile: Android , iOS
Note that some versions of IE may require using compatibility mode in order to properly display these courses. See for more information.
OES-NA, LLC has taken reasonable steps to assure that questions included in TEST TRAK© are comparable to those expected to be on the Certification Exam. However, there is no guarantee either expressed or implied that users of TEST TRAK© will pass the Certification Exam based on their performance in TEST TRAK©.
Terms of Service: (the "Website") is maintained at the sole discretion of OES-NA LLC (the "Company"). The company reserves the right to terminate accounts at any time and without notice. Content on the Website is property of the Company. No portion of the Website or Website content may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form. The content of this Website is to be accessed, viewed, and completed solely by the subscriber. By accessing any information beyond this page, you agree to this Terms of Use.