
Generator Operator Restoration Training

As identified in the NERC Standard EOP-005, each Generator Operator with a Blackstart Resource shall provide a minimum of two hours of training every two calendar years to each of its operating personnel responsible for the startup of its Blackstart Resource generation units and energizing a bus. This computer-based training course addresses aspects related to the general responsibilitiesGen_Op_Rest_Training_Website_Image of Generating Operating Personnel in their role of supporting real-time operations with regards to system restoration. Topics covered in this online course include: History of Blackouts, Types of Blackout, Blackout Causes, NERC Responsibilities, Authorities, and Standards, Frequency and Voltage Control, Load Pick-ups, Synchronization of Islands, Generating Operating Personnel Responsibilities.

Module Objectives:

  • Explain the history of blackouts and their impacts on society
  • Identify the types of blackouts
  • Identify the causes of blackout events
  • Explain the responsibilities and authority of NERC
  • Identify the requirements of the NERC Standards for Restoration
  • Identify requirements and process for island synchronization
  • Describe restoration considerations from the NERC Restoration Reference Document
  • Identify the role of Generator Operating Personnel during a system restoration event

Each lesson area in this course is culminated with a review and a quiz. Individuals must attain a passing grade of 70% on each quiz in order to be awarded the appropriate NERC CEHs.

NERC Continuing Education Hours:

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 2.0 CEHs
Sim: 0.0 CEHs

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