
Switching & Clearances

image_Danger Electrician Working On Line - Do Not Touch SwitchThis online course is delivered through Spark! by OES-NA. This course is intended to provide System Operators with the necessary training to understand their role, switching equipment, switching and clearance terminology, review of switching errors and steps for prevention, and switching procedure review. The module consists of seven segments: NERC Standards, Communications, Transmission Equipment, Transmission Switching, Switching Terminology & Procedures, Errors and Prevention, and Exercise/Assessments. The module includes several switching exercises that must be completed as part of the module assessment.

The objectives of the module are:

  • Identify the NERC Standards and their implications during switching activities
  • Identify the importance of communications during switching activities
  • Describe the transmission equipment utilized for switching transmission equipment
  • Explain key considerations and precautions when performing switching activities
  • Identify switching terminology that is used within the industry
  • Describe sample switching procedures that are used within the power industry
  • Identify how switching errors can occur and steps to reduce or prevent errors

NERC Continuing Education Hours:
TOTAL:    6.5 CEHs
Standards:    0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics:    6.5 CEHs
Sim:   0.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration || Custom Bundle Registration

Registration Fee: $260.00

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