
Coaching and OJT


This online training course addresses aspects related to coaching and the administration of OJT in the control room environment. Topics covered in this course include: coaching in training, administering structured OJT in a real-time environment, process for providing feedback, SAT approach utilized for OJT, conducting structured OJT, common errors in administering OJT, and the evaluation/assessment process.

Module Objectives:

  • Define the elements of coaching in training
  • Identify the keys to administering structured OJT
  • Describe the process for providing feedback that produces desired outcomes
  • Identify the SAT approach utilized for OJT
  • Define the steps for conducting structured OJT
  • Identify common errors in administering OJT
  • Describe consideration for completing the evaluation/assessment process

Each lesson area in this course is culminated with a review and a quiz. Upon completion of the course, there is a final assessment that consists of 10 questions. Individuals must attain a passing grade of 70% on the final assessment in order to be awarded the appropriate NERC CEHs.

This class is intended for: System Operators who have the responsibility for administering OJT activities.

Course Overview || Registration || Core Curriculum Package Registration || Custom Bundle Registration

Registration Fee:

NOTE: No NERC CEHs provided for this course

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