
Switching & Clearances

This course is intended to provide system operators with a basic understanding of concepts related to transmission switching of the Bulk Electric System. This course is delivered over a 2-day period and includes various topics related to switching which includes:

  • Transmission Equipment

  • Relays

  • MVA Calculation

  • Surge Impedance Loading

  • Ferranti Effect

  • Make before Break

  • Flow Calculations

  • Various Scenarios utilizing the EPRI Power Simulator

The course covers the basics of transmission switching from the daily routine (i.e. prearranged clearances) to the emergency situations that system operators may encounter. The students will be expected to work through basic clearances and switching procedures and also will be required to calculate MVA flows across sectionalizing switches to determine if the switches can be operated safely for various reasons. In addition, the aspects of communications prior to and during switching activities will be discussed to stress the importance of providing clear and concise directives.

The target audience includes:

  • New operators to the system that will have the responsibility of transmission operations

  • Generation control operators who want to expand their knowledge of transmission operations

  • Individuals who desire background knowledge on transmission facilities, their operation, and good practices related to switching

NERC Continuing Education Hours:
TOTAL: 16.0 CEHs
Standards:  0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics:  16.0 CEHs
Sim:  6.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration Form

Fee: $1,050.00

This class is not scheduled publicly at this time. If interested in this course, please contact us at (407) 381-2223 or