
Operations Through Simulation Online

image_OTSThis 16-hour on-line class is designed for real-time System Operating Personnel, Generating Plant personnel, and Operations Support personnel. The class reviews various concepts related to voltage control, congestion management, response to relay operations that includes distance and differential relays, balancing, communications, restoration, and geomagnetic disturbances. It consists primarily of simulation activities that provide the student with extensive opportunity to implement actions on the simulator and see the system response to those actions.

Module Objectives:

  • Identify reactive devices and their utilization for voltage control
  • Demonstrate the use of reactive devices in controlling voltages on a system simulator
  • Monitor power flow in conjunction with power transfer limits
  • Demonstrate the use of system equipment to control congestion on the transmission system
  • Identify the guidelines of Restoration
  • Demonstrate the actions required for restoration on a simulator system
  • Identify relay protection schemes
  • Demonstrate the responses required for distance and differential relay operations
  • Identify the actions required for balancing resources and load in controlling ACE and frequency
  • Identify the implications of GMD activity on the Bulk Power System
  • Implement actions in response to identified GMD activity

Fee: $880.00

NERC Continuing Education Hour:

TOTAL: 16.0 CEHs

Standards: 0.0 CEHs

Ops topics: 16.0 CEHs

Sim: 15.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration Form || Custom Bundle Registration

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