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In order to better serve the system operators within the electric industry, OES-NA designs our courses utilizing a tiered approach. This tiered approach allows both system operators and companies to select the courses that are best suited for each individual therefore maximizing their training dollars. We are currently addressing two tiers:
Tier I is intended for those operators who have less than 5 years experience operating on the electric system, or for operators who wish to review the basics of operations in the particular content area.
Tier II is intended for those operators who have more than 5 years experience operating on the electric system, or for those operators who have completed the identified Tier I course.
In addition, we also identify the NERC CEHs that are awarded for the successful completion of each course, as well as, the amount of training hours that could be utilized to satisfy the NERC annual training requirement identified in Standard PER-002-0: Operating Personnel Training, Requirement R4.
We hope that these clarifications are of value to individual system operators and companies alike.