

Cloud Finist Tutorial*

Cloud Finist Voltage Control I

Cloud Finist Voltage Control II

Cloud Finist Balancing and Control

Cloud Finist Restoration I

Cloud Finist Restoration II

Cloud Finist Congestion Management I

Cloud Finist Congestion Management II

Cloud Finist Relay Operations I

Cloud Finist Relay Operations II

Cloud Finist Geomagnetic Disturbance I

Cloud Finist Simulation Training Registration Form

Custom Online Course Bundle Registration Form

* Prerequisite for all modules including use of the Cloud Finist Simulator

Cloud Finist Tutorial - prerequisite for other sim training modules

As a pre-requisite to the Spark by OES-NA’s Cloud Finist on-line simulation training, all students registering for any Cloud Finist modules must first complete the Cloud Finist Tutorial module. This module steps through the Cloud Finist model, it’s display, it’s navigation, and identification of the model equipment. The module also identifies the operation of the various power system equipment that is available for utilization of control actions in operating the simulated power system.

Module Objectives:

  • Explain the steps for navigating in the Cloud Finist simulator
  • Identify the types of generation equipment available for operation in the simulator
  • Identify the types of voltage control equipment and their operation available for utilization in the simulator
  • Describe the process for interchange control with neighboring areas

    Cloud Finist User Guide

NERC Continuing Education Hours:

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 1.0 CEHs
Sim: 1.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration

Registration Fee:

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As part of the NERC Certification program, certified individuals are required to attain 30 CEHs related to simulation technology as part of their credential maintenance. Spark by OES-NA is proud to now provide this training through it’s Cloud Finist on-line simulation training activities. The Cloud Finist Voltage Control I module explores the area of voltage control on the Bulk Power System. This module includes tools for controlling voltages, concepts related to surge impedance loading, and actions to implement for both high and low voltage conditions. This module provides a unique opportunity to implement the identified actions in a robust system simulator. All students registering for this module must first complete the Cloud Finist Tutorial module.

Module Objectives:

  • Identify the tools available for controlling system voltages
  • Describe the principles associated with surge impedance loading
  • Describe actions to take for high and low voltage conditions
  • Demonstrate system actions to be implemented in a simulated environment

NERC Continuing Education Hours: CF_VC_I_Image

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 3.0 CEHs
Sim: 3.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration

Registration Fee:

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As part of the NERC Certification program, certified individuals are required to attain 30 CEHs related to simulation technology as part of their credential maintenance. Spark by OES-NA has expanded on the Cloud Finist Voltage Control I module to now provide the Cloud Finist Voltage Control II module. The module provides a brief review of the voltage control equipment and then provides an opportunity for the student to complete two simulation activities on the Cloud Finist simulator. All students registering for this module must first complete the Cloud Finist Tutorial module and the Cloud Finist Voltage Control I modules.

Module Objectives:

  • Identify the tools available for controlling system voltages
  • Demonstrate system actions to be implemented in a simulated environment

NERC Continuing Education Hours: CF_VC_II_Image

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 3.0 CEHs
Sim: 3.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration

Registration Fee:

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As part of the NERC Certification program, certified individuals are required to attain 30 CEHs related to simulation technology as part of their credential maintenance. The Cloud Finist Balancing and Control module explores the Balancing Authority and their role in maintaining generation/load balance. The module defines a balancing area, identifies the responsibility of a Balancing Authority, and describes the actions to take for high and low frequency conditions. Students are then presented with two opportunities to demonstrate these actions on the Cloud Finist simulator. All students registering for this module must first complete the Cloud Finist Tutorial module.

Module Objectives:

  • Define what a balancing area is
  • Identify the obligations of the Balancing Authority
  • Describe action to take for high and low frequency conditions
  • Demonstrate system actions to be implemented in a simulated environment

NERC Continuing Education Hours: CF_BCI_Image

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 3.0 CEHs
Sim: 3.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration

Registration Fee:

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The Cloud Finist Restoration I module explores the principles and guidelines of restoration. The module defines the elements of a system assessment following a full or partial system blackout, it identifies the restoration process, and explores the concepts and considerations when restoring a system following a system disturbance that caused the shutdown of the Bulk Electric System. Students are then presented with two opportunities to demonstrate these concepts and considerations on the Cloud Finist simulator. All students registering for this module must first complete the Cloud Finist Tutorial module.

Module Objectives:

  • Explain the key elements for assessing the system following a blackout
  • Define the issues relating to system restoration with regards to load and transmission restoration and frequency control
  • Demonstrate the implementation of a restoration process on the Finist simulator

NERC Continuing Education Hours: CF_Rest_I_Image

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 5.0 CEHs
Sim: 5.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration

Registration Fee:

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Spark by OES-NA has expanded on the Cloud Finist Restoration I module to now provide the Cloud Finist Restoration II module. The module provides a brief review of the system assessment and subsequent restoration process and then provides an opportunity for the student to complete two simulation activities on the Cloud Finist simulator. All students registering for this module must have first completed the Cloud Finist Tutorial module and the Cloud Finist Restoration I module.

Module Objectives:

  • Identify the key elements for assessing the system following a blackout
  • Explain the issues relating to system restoration with regards to transmission restoration
  • Explain the issues of load and frequency control relating to system restoration
  • Demonstrate the implementation of a restoration process on the Finist simulator

NERC Continuing Education Hours: CF_Rest_II_Image

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 5.0 CEHs
Sim: 5.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration

Registration Fee:

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The Cloud Finist Congestion Management I module explores the principles and guidelines of congestion management. The module identifies the options available to the System Operator for utilization in mitigating transmission congestion and equipment overloads. The module also explores advantages to each action. Students are then presented with two opportunities to demonstrate these concepts and considerations on the Cloud Finist simulator. All students registering for this module must first complete the Cloud Finist Tutorial module.

Module Objectives:

  • Identify the tools available for controlling congestion management
  • Describe thermal limits and how they relate to congestion management
  • Describe actions to take regarding thermal limits
  • Demonstrate system actions to be implemented in a simulated congested management scenario

NERC Continuing Education Hours: CF_CM_I_Image

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 3.0 CEHs
Sim: 3.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration

Registration Fee:

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CF CM II_header_1

The Cloud Finist Congestion Management II module explores the principles and guidelines of congestion management. The module provides a brief overview of the options available to the System Operator for utilization in mitigating transmission congestion and equipment overloads. Students are then presented with two opportunities to demonstrate these concepts and considerations on the Cloud Finist simulator. All students registering for this module must first complete the Cloud Finist Tutorial module.

Module Objectives:

  • Identify the tools available for controlling congestion management
  • Describe actions to take regarding thermal limits
  • Demonstrate system actions to be implemented in a simulated congested management scenario

NERC Continuing Education Hours: CF CM II_Image_1

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 3.0 CEHs
Sim: 3.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration

Registration Fee:

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The Cloud Finist Relay Operations I module explores the basic principles and operation of remedial action schemes. The module also explores and provides a brief overview of UFLS schemes. Students are then presented with two opportunities to demonstrate a System Operator’s response to these relay scheme operation on the Cloud Finist simulator. All students registering for this module must first complete the Cloud Finist Tutorial module.

Module Objectives:

  • Identify the principles and operation of remedial action schemes or RAS
  • Identify the principles and operation of underfrequency load shedding schemes
  • Demonstrate a System Operators response to relay operations on a power system

NERC Continuing Education Hours: CF_RO_I_Image

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 3.0 CEHs
Sim: 3.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration

Registration Fee:

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The Cloud Finist Relay Operations II module explores the basic principles and operation of breaker failure schemes. The module also explores and provides a brief overview of Differential and Distance Relays schemes. Students are then presented with two opportunities to demonstrate a System Operator’s response to these relay scheme operation on the Cloud Finist simulator. All students registering for this module must first complete the Cloud Finist Tutorial module.

Module Objectives:

  • Identify the principles and operation of differential and distance relays
  • Identify the operation and reason for breaker failure relay schemes
  • Demonstrate a System Operators response to relay operations on a power system

NERC Continuing Education Hours:CF_RO_II_Image

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 3.0 CEHs
Sim: 3.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration

Registration Fee:

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The Cloud Finist Geomagnetic Disturbance I module defines what geomagnetic disturbances are, where they originate, and their impact on the electric power system. The module provides a brief overview of the cyclical occurrence of GMD activity. Students are then presented with two opportunities to demonstrate these concepts and considerations on the Cloud Finist simulator. All students registering for this module must first complete the Cloud Finist Tutorial module.

Module Objectives:

  • Explain what a Geomagnetic Disturbance is
  • Describe the impacts of Geomagnetic Disturbances on the power system
  • Describe actions to take in the event of a Geomagnetic Disturbance
  • Demonstrate system actions to be implemented in a Geomagnetic Disturbance event

NERC Continuing Education Hours: CF_GMD_I_Image

Standards: 0.0 CEHs
Ops Topics: 3.0 CEHs
Sim: 3.0 CEHs

Course Overview || Registration

Registration Fee:

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