
Jack Coleman

InstructorJack Coleman, Instructor

Jack Coleman has 49 years experience in the electric utility industry. In 1970, Jack began his career at Philadelphia Electric Company spending the first 20 years in Electric Production at fossil generating stations. There he gained experience in drum type, once-thru super critical and combustion turbine generating units. Also, he played an active role in the start-up of twin 400 MW oil fired units, as well as in the start-up of the first magnesium oxide flue gas scrubbing plants.

In 1990, Jack moved to System Operations at PECO working in all positions in the Control Center, and eventually accepting the position as the Training Coordinator for System Operations. He was also heavily involved with the PECO Energy Management System Project. For this project Jack created and designed all of the PECO Energy one-line displays and projection mimic boards. As part of this project, he also created lesson plans, scenarios and a tutorial for the operation of the PECO Energy Dispatcher Training Simulator. Jack joined PJM Interconnection in 1998, where he served as a Senior Trainer/Engineer in the Customer Relations and Training Department. There he was heavily involved in the Operator Training Simulator at PJM, developed training scenarios, and acted as the instructor/simulator operator. Along with OTS, Jack was part of a team that provided system operation and markets training to PJM and member company system operators. Specialized training was also provided to generation and transmission operators whose companies integrated into PJM RTO in 2001-2005.

During his career Jack has been an active member of the EPRI OTS User's Group, Past Chairman and Member PJM Dispatcher Training Task Force, IEEE Working Group for Operator Training, NERC Training Resources Working Group, and the NERC Continuing Education Review Panel. Jack is also co-author of the IEEE paper "The Dispatcher Training Simulator at PECO Energy Company". Jack's formal education includes an AAB from Community College of Philadelphia, and attendance at Cabrini and Rosemont Colleges in Organizational Management and Communication Programs.
