
Transmission Control

Login to Spark! by OES-NA Online Learning This online training course consists of 11 lessons. The first 5 lessons establish a clear understanding of the concepts of transmission control of the bulk electric system under normal and emergency conditions. Topics covered in this portion of the course include: structure of the transmission system, system events, reactive power, distribution factors, system congestion, thermal, voltage and stability limits, equipment failures, power flow, contingency analysis, as well as, controlling actions and devices. The final 6 lessons step through various NERC standards related to transmission operations and voltage and reactive control.

  • Lesson 1: The Transmission System and System Events
  • Lesson 2: Reactive Power & Distribution Factors
  • Lesson 3: Congestion, Limits & Stability
  • Lesson 4: Equipment Failures, Power Flow & Contingency Analysis Programs
  • Lesson 5: Controlling Actions & Devices
  • Lesson 6: TOP-001-4: Transmission Operations
  • Lesson 7: TOP-002-4: Operations Planning
  • Lesson 8: TOP-003-3: Operational Reliability Data
  • Lesson 9: TOP-010-1i: Real Time Reliability Monitoring and Analysis Capabilities
  • Lesson 10: VAR-001-5: Voltage and Reactive Control
  • Lesson 11: VAR-002-4.1: Generator Operation for Maintaining Network Voltage Schedules

Each lesson in this course is culminated with a review and a quiz. Upon completion of the 11 lessons, there is a final assessment that consists of 20 questions. Individuals must attain a passing grade of 70% on the final assessment in order to be awarded the appropriate NERC CEHs.

This class is intended for: new operators to the system that will have the responsibility of transmission operations; generation operators who want to expand their knowledge of transmission operations; individuals who desire the overall philosophy of controlling transmission and its impacts to the Bulk Electric System; and those individuals trying to understand transmission control as part of NERC Certification Preparation.

NERC Continuing Education Hours:
TOTAL:   9.0 CEHs
Standards:   4.0 CEHs
Ops Topics:   9.0 CEHs
Sim:   0.0 CEHs

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